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The SCENE Magazine

Twin Peaks for Lunch

Sep 29, 2010 01:32PM ● By Joe
After a few meetings on D day (deadline day), Marshall and I decided to meet at Twin Peaks to "refill their magazine rack" and decided to have lunch.

Greeted by one of our favorites, Carla Jo, we helped ourselves to a few 29 degree beers before realizing it was already 1:30 and we should get back to work.

Just before I leave a text comes in from the Twin Peaks owner saying, "Shirt & tie today huh?" which was odd, because I knew he wasn't their. Come to discover, he was looking around the dining room through closed circuit tv, and veiwing it on his iPhone from Sugarland? I love technology, and it's even more awesome when used to spy on The SCENE Magazine staff...

I just love that I have a place like this for lunch.

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