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The SCENE Magazine

54th Christmas Boat Lane Parade Dec. 12 at 6pm • Clear Lake/Kemah Channel

Dec 07, 2015 02:15PM ● By SCENE MAGAZINE STAFF
Bright lights and boats of all kinds will meet December 12 at 6 p.m. for the League City 54th Annual Christmas Boat Lane Parade on Clear Lake presented by the City of Kemah and produced by the Clear Lake Area Chamber of Commerce.  The parade will line up in the Nassau Bay Lagoon and South Shore Harbour Marina, travel the channel past Seabrook and the Kemah Boardwalk out into Galveston Bay and return.

These beautifully decorated sail and power boats will dazzle and entertain thousands of spectators with their brightly colored lights, music and designs. Some boats will be decorated traditionally and others will look very unique.

The City of Nassau Bay signals the start of the parade with their beautiful fireworks display.  The boats will travel past spectators in League City, Clear Lake Shores, Nassau Bay, Seabrook, the Kemah Boardwalk, out into Galveston Bay and return.

For parade spectators, kicking off the holiday season should be a fun time of year to relax, spend time with loved ones and enjoy these brightly decorated vessels. Kemah is a great place to spend the day, then enjoy the parade that evening.

The morning following the parade, awards will be given out at the traditional awards brunch in the ballroom of South Shore Harbour Resort.

If you need additional information about the parade, sponsorships or an entry form for the parade, please call 281-488-7676 or e-mail the Clear Lake Area Chamber of Commerce at [email protected].

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