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The SCENE Magazine

Area Photographer Publishes Book about a Saved Local Goose

Dec 07, 2015 01:54PM ● By SCENE MAGAZINE STAFF
By Domino Taylor

If your Christmas gift list needs a suggestion, a local woman has recently published her book on the adventures of local geese with an endearing story, along with her amazing photography.  Roselyn Pierce-Shirley’s book is a great gift for the young and young at heart and any bird lover.

Goose-Z Gets a Second Chance: A true story by Goose-Z's human, Roselyn Pierce-Shirley, is the book that is a true story and heart-warming account of an old goose that loses his life-long mate, Lucy.  His human, Rose-Z, buys a male and female for him and a chick is born. The old male adopts the new family and is so grateful to get a second chance at a happy life. All ages have loved this new book. It is paperback and also in large print and contains 40 photos by the author. Goose –Z Gets a Second Chance, has 5 Star reviews and locals have enjoyed this story and beautiful photos of the new family of geese, which are not only saved, but treasured.

After a thirty year career in real estate, Roselyn Pierce-Shirley retired in 2013 and her and husband,  Dr. Joe Shirley, bought a second home in Galveston. Their primary home is in Clear Lake Shores. “While remodeling the canal home, the north wind blew water out of our canal and gorgeous roseate spoonbills, egrets and blue herons came into the canal to ‘fish’ for fish trapped in the shallow water.  My husband bought me my first digital camera and I enrolled in Featherfest classes in Galveston”, said Roselyn.  All these events opened a wonderful new path for her to express the artistic side of her that had to be put on hold because of a career.  She now spends all her spare time stalking birds in Clear Lake Shores, Galveston, Harborwalk, Bolivar Island, Belize and South America.

Roselyn is a member of the Audubon Society and Galveston Art League. She also is involved in many Kemah events as a volunteer and was selected and published in Coast Magazine in their feature article called ‘The Bird Stalker.’ Her work is for sale at various galleries and restaurants in the area. “I hope you enjoy my art and story about the geese,” she concluded.

Her book is on Amazon also and has sold over 400 in just a few weeks. To contact her email: [email protected] website: and Facebook: Roselyn Pierce-Shirley Photography Art. This book can be a good gift giving idea for anyone’s home library.

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