Literally Abstract: Jenifer Sundrla
Sep 11, 2015 04:11PM ● By SCENE MAGAZINE STAFF
Local Artist Jenifer Sundrla mastered the melding of realistic and abstract art. Though seemingly contradictory; her paintings integrate two very different styles seamlessly. “It’s literal with a twist of abstract,” said Sundrla. The abstract portion of the painting typically remains in the background with the more realistic subject in the foreground. Sundrla shared, “I always start with the background and then the subject. I envision how it should be and go to the canvas and make it happen.” Most of Sundrla’s art contains drips in the background which she explained first started by accident “and just went from there.” The signature drips enhance the unique character of Sundrla’s works. Her mixture of methods and shading techniques depict such depth and texture making the subject literally leap from the abstract backdrop. Acrylic is Sundrla’s medium of choice. She said, “I like to paint big.” Her large-scale pieces include a variety of subjects “from crosses and trees, to sea life, animals and most recently sporting art.” Sundrla also told she loves all coastal creatures, and they are her current niche for selling at this point in time. Sundrla said she has always done art since she was a child. She studied art at the University of Houston-Clear Lake and then taught art at Friendswood High School for 13 years.
Sundrla revealed she left teaching to start her own business, JenSun Art. She creates murals, portraits, illustrations, and paintings. According to Sundrla, her custom art and mural work have been featured in television episodes of Extreme Home Makeover and children’s books have published her illustrations. Most recently, Sundrla with the assistance of her family started her own art reproduction business called Redbird Collective. The Texas-based company reproduces and sells wholesale giclees or gallery wrapped canvas reproductions to several art retailers around the United States. Sundrla said the company wants to expand to include other artists. She added, the company offers printing service as well as the potential to represent artists at wholesale markets. “I would love to open doors for other artists and create reproductions of their works,” said Sundrla.
While her new endeavor evolves, Sundrla continues to paint for herself and by commission. Sundrla stated, “My desire is to provide art that inspires the viewer and evokes joy and comfort in any home.”
To view more of Sundrla’s paintings visit and reproductions info at Her works are displayed locally at The Eagle’s Nest and Friendswood Frame & Gallery.