Cultural Arts Calendar - September 2013
Sep 13, 2013 12:04AM ● By SCENE MAGAZINE STAFF
Sept. 7: Back to School Dance & Late Nite Dance, Sept. 28: Live Professional Wrestling. All month weekly showings of college and pro games. Weiner – Robinson Theatre, 430 W. Main, La Porte, 979-319-1421, for updates,
Sept. 7: Pelican Path Party, 2nd Street Gallery @ Art Consortium of the Texas Gulf Coast, 1509 ½ 2nd St., Seabrook, 281-907-3140,
Sept. 10 – 24: Tuesdays (3) Digital Photography & Image Basics, Sept.11 – Oct.30: Wednesdays (8) Basic Art Design, Sept. 9- Oct.28: Mondays (8) Face Painting, Sept.12- Oct. 17: Thursdays (6) All Media. New Fall Classes, TAACCL, Class location is 18036 Upper Bay Road, Nassau Bay, For more information and to register for classes, 281-335-7777,
Sept. 16: Lakeview Guild Meeting. 3rd Monday each month 7 p.m., check website for location, for more info, email [email protected],
Sept. 21: White Linen Night, 5 - 9 p.m. Last summer outdoor art market including a featured artist, food booths and music, free to public, booths available. Art Consortium of the Texas Gulf Coast, 1509 ½ 2nd St., Seabrook, 281-907-3140,
THEATRE Sept. 5-21: Eye of the Storm: Stories of Ike, Studio 101, 1823 Spring Street, Houston. (See art column for more details.)
Sept. 6-15: The Gazebo, Fri., Sat. 7 p.m. & Sun. 3 p.m., Pasadena Little Theatre 4318 Allen Genoa Rd., Pasadena, 713-941-1758,
Sept. 6-22: Wedding Bells, Bay Area Harbour Playhouse, 3803 Hwy. 3 Dickinson, 281-337-SHOW,
Sept. 13-29: Flea in Her Ear, Thurs. Fri & Sat. 8 p.m. Sunday 2:30 p.m. Clear Creek Country Theatre 18091 Upper Bay Rd, Nassau Bay, 382-335-5228,
PHOTOGRAPHY Sept. 19: Bay Area Photo Club, Butler Museum, 1220 Coryell, League City, 281-332-1393, MUSIC Sept. 14 & 28: Music Nite on the Strand, Sangerfest Park, 2302 Strand, Galveston,, 409-621-2253
Sept. 20-22: Boogie Blues & Brews Music Festival, 807 Hwy 3, League City,
Sept. 21 & 22: Bay Area Bluegrass Music 2 day show, 7 p.m. Johnny Arolfo Civic Center, League City, For band lineup
FILM Sept. 13 & 14: Gulf Coast Film & Video Festival, Friday, Workshop with Steve Cooke of FX, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. 2nd Street Gallery, Seabrook, Opening Night & Awards Banquet at Villa Capri, 6:30 -10 p.m. Seabrook, Sept. 14: Film Finalists Screenings 10 a.m. – 8 p.m. at Courtyard Marriot, 18100 Saturn Lane, Nassau Bay, For additional information, screening schedule and tickets,
CHILDREN'S ART Library Story Times for Children Evelyn Meador Library (Pre- K): 10:30 a.m., 2400 N. Meyer, Seabrook. Storytelling by Mrs. Pearson every Wednesday morning, 281-474-9142,
Freeman Memorial Library: Book Babies on Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday at 10:15 a.m.; Toddler Time on Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday at 11:15 a.m. ~ Special Displays: In conjunction with the Gulf Coast Film Festival, monthly displays and presentations on books about films, film history and the art of film making. Sept. 9: Paint Chip Crafts, 16616 Diana Lane, Houston, Call for more information, 281-488-1906.
Helen Hall Library: Toddlers on Wednesdays at 10 a.m.; Pre-K Story time on Thursday at 1 p.m.; 100 W. Walker, League City Thursday Sept. 19: Pirate Party for Kids 4:30 p.m.
La Porte Library: Tuesday is Story Time with Mr. Mark at 10:15 a.m.; Thursdays are with Mr. D. at 10:15 a.m. & 11 a.m.; Arts on Wednesdays at 3:15 p.m.; 600 S. Broadway, La Porte, 281-471-4022,
MUSEUMS 1940 Air Terminal Museum: Hobby Airport, 713-454-1940,
Armand Bayou Nature Center: Open Tuesday - Saturday, Sunset Cruise 6 p.m. Breakfast on the Bayou 8 a.m. Ages 5 to adult, New: Third Sundays in Nature from noon – 4 p.m. Free. Reservations required, 8500 Bay Area Blvd., 281-474-2551,
Battleship Texas, State Historic Site: 3255 Hwy 134, La Porte, 281-479-2431
Butler Longhorn Museum: League City, 1220 Coryell, League City, 281-332-1393,
Bay Area Museum - Lunar Rendezvous Exhibit and Space memorabilia: Open Tuesday – Sunday. Clear Lake Park, 5000 NASA Parkway, Seabrook, 281-326-5960,
Galveston Railroad Museum: Train Rides every Saturday 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., 2602 Santa Fe, Galveston, 409-765-5700
League City Historical Society West Bay Common Museum: Open Monday to Friday. Call for group reservations, 281-554-2994. 210 Kansas Avenue, League City,
Lone Star Flight Museum: Open Daily 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., 2002 Terminal Dr., Galveston, 409-740-7722,
San Jacinto Monument & Museum: Daily 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.; La Porte, 281-479-2421,
Texas City Museum: Open Tuesday to Sunday; 409 6th Street N., Texas City, 409-643-5799,