Hank 3 returns to Scout Bar
Sep 12, 2013 11:31PM ● By SCENE MAGAZINE STAFFThe career of Shelton Hank Williams III (aka Hank3) has doubled as a sort of crusade in which the grandson of country music legend Hank Williams and son of Hank Williams Jr. breaks all the rules of country music while somehow managing to honor its traditions at the same time. A neo-traditional country artist who also alternates between punk and metal, Hank 3 returns to Scout Bar in advance of releasing a brand new double country album, entitled “Brothers of the 4x4,” and a punk album, entitled “A Fiendish Threat.” The doors open at 7pm with no opening act and Hank recommends “to be on time to the show. We usually start early, and for the ladies who might come out, I always tell them not to wear open-toed shoes 'cause it can get a little rowdy sometimes,” explains Hank 3.
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