15th Gulf Coast Film Festival to bring Hollywood to Clear Lake
Aug 04, 2013 12:32AM ● By SCENE MAGAZINE STAFF
The 15th Annual Gulf Coast Film & Video Festival will be held September 13-15 and will take place along Clear Lake and NASA area in multiple locations.
This non-profit annual fall event attracts independent films from around the globe and is judged by a panel of outside judges, consisting of seasoned producers, directors and cinematographers. The winners have their films screened before audiences and receive their prestigious title and award at the Saturday night gala.
This year, the award-winning actor, Robert Patrick is scheduled to attend the three-day event as the Lifetime Achievement Award recipient. Mr. Patrick has an extensive acting resume and is best known for his role in Terminator 2: Judgment Day, which elevated him into cult status as the liquid metal base T-1000 Terminator. With over 120 films under his belt, some of his noted works include Fire in the Sky, Last Action Hero, Walk the Line, Avatar, The Marine, X Files, The Sopranos, The Unit, Burn Notice, Gangster Squad, Safe House, and most recently the TV series The Last Resort and the funny movie Identity Theft.
Hal Wixon, founding director of the festival said, “Numerous awards are given each year in both film and screenplay entries in various genres. Selection is competitive and awards given are on merit, whether an experienced or first time film maker and many films have gone on to the Sundance Film Festival and other larger film festivals. Come out and see these wonderful films and meet our celebrities. You will have a great time!”
The screenings of the film finalists will be held all day Saturday and Sunday, September 14 and 15 at the Star Cinema Grille (located at NASA Parkway and I-45 in Webster). The actors, directors and crew of each film will also be at the screening location for autographs and networking. The films run from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. each day and tickets can be purchased online and at the door.
The opening day, the “very lucky” Friday the 13th will consist of an afternoon Filmmakers’ Workshop. Anyone interested in making films is urged to attend this public event. The workshop is from 1 to 5 p.m. and will include topics about filming, camera and lighting and more. A panel consisting of noted directors and producers will be on hand to share valuable information that will include tips and some interesting stories also. The school district’s film teachers and students will be on hand, too, adding to the educational component.
This workshop will take place at the new Art Consortium of Texas Gulf Coast located inside the 2nd Street Gallery, 1509 ½ 2nd Street in Seabrook. Updates of the panel will be on the festival website. The opening night, September 13 is at Villa Capri, 3713 NASA Parkway in Seabrook with the traditional Meet & Greet Reception Buffet from 6 p.m. -10 a.m. This is a come and go event that offers meeting all the film entries with their cast and crew, fans of the festival, and celebrities, including the Lifetime Achievement Award recipient, Robert Patrick. This is always a night of eating great food, music, mingling and plenty of photo ops, not only with media present and the official photographers, but it is always acceptable to bring your own camera for those special photos of new and old friends. Tickets are available online at the festival website and also at the door.
The Cascade Awards Banquet & Gala will be September 16 at the NASA Hilton, 3000 NASA Parkway from 6 p.m. – 11 p.m. with the cocktail time from 6 – 7:30 p.m. The evening will have many presenters from the film and TV industry you will know and the Master of Ceremony will be Houston’s own, actor Brandon Smith, who received the Lifetime Achievement Award last year. He and Mr. Wixon will present the award to actor Robert Patrick. These tickets are not available at the door and must be bought before the event due to reservations. A pay pal is on the film festival website for convenience.
For additional information, tickets including the mega packages or film festival merchandise, log on to the website, www.gulfcoastfilmfest.com or call festival director at 281-333-5804. That’s a wrap!
- Peggy “Domino” Taylor