Apr 10, 2013 03:28AM ● By SCENE MAGAZINE STAFF
Women’s Obstacle/Mud Run at Moody Gardens May 4
On Saturday, May 4, 2013, the Gritty Goddess women’s obstacle run returns to Moody Gardens in Galveston. The event is all about women, and women only, who want to challenge themselves, and have fun in a beautiful venue worthy of a goddess! The 5k (3.1 mile) course through Moody Gardens includes 25+ themed obstacles, and incorporates mud, water, foam, and props. “It’s a one-of-a-kind course”, says Event Director Claire Jordan, “because Moody Gardens is such a unique venue with a variety of terrain.” The course incorporates the grounds of Moody Gardens, Palm Beach, the banks of Offats Bayou, and the surrounding area, and even has “Temptation Island” where participants can take a break from the course for some pampering. For the May event there will be lots of new surprises, including a monkey bar-type obstacle, and even more mud.The Gritty Goddess is non-competitive so participants can complete the course at their own pace, and enjoy every moment. Women can join the “Sisterhood of the Soil” as an individual, or form a team and do the course with friends, family, or co-workers. In fact, funny team names and wacky costumes are encouraged. Waves of 125 participants will go off every 10 minutes starting at 8:30am, and each wave bears the name of a famous goddess like Aphrodite, Athena, and Venus. Teams must register as individuals for the same time/wave.
After completing the course, women can shower, change clothes, relax and enjoy an ice cream sundae, and complimentary beer or wine. The entry fee also includes entry to Palm Beach for the afternoon, and the “GLOW GODDESS” after-party on Saturday evening, with DJ Hexum and glow necklaces for everyone. “This event is all about camaraderie, challenging yourself physically, and most of all having a full day of fun”, says Jordan, “because every woman deserves a day off!”
Although the minimum age to participate is 14 years old, the last wave of the Gritty Goddess at 1:30pm allows girls aged 8-13 to participate with their mothers, older sisters, or female guardians as part of the Goddess + Nymph Challenge. Saturday afternoon at 3pm there is also the GRITTY KIDS event, a shorter 1k obstacle/mud run for all children, both male and female, aged 6-13. For more information and to register, go to or You can also find them on Facebook at “Gritty Goddess Obstacle Run.”
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