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The SCENE Magazine

Jackie's Beauties on the Bay

Apr 09, 2013 05:42AM ● By Corinne Moore
There are plenty of fish in the sea.

Join Jackie’s Brickhouse for their inaugural "Beauties on the Bay" ladies-only fishing tournament on Friday, April 19 and Saturday, April 20.

The check-in, captain’s meeting, and social mixer will be held on April 19, from 6 to 9 p.m. at Jackie’s Brickhouse located at 1053 Marina Bay Drive (FM 2094) in Kemah with an on-site registration during the first hour. Come dressed in your best fishing outfit as contest photos will be taken to determine semi-finalists for the “Best Team Outfit” award. On Saturday, April 20, the inshore tournament will start at the official sunrise. Each team can be up to four women with a guide. The guide or driver can be a male. The tournament has a professional and non-professional division with live and/or artificial bait allowed in both divisions. All Texas Parks and Wildlife Rules and Regulations apply. You must have a valid/current fishing license with a saltwater stamp from Texas Parks and Wildlife to fish in this tournament.

The team weigh-ins are between 1 and 4 p.m. Cash awards will be given to the first, second and third place teams, and the heaviest team five-fish stringer of eligible fish in each division with a live weigh-in bonus. Individual awards are presented in each division for heaviest trout and redfish. Also, custom Waterloo Rods will be given to the first-place team in each division. Plus, optional Calcutta and cash pots are available. The awards presentation, a raffle, and dinner are immediately following. All proceeds from the auction items and raffle proceeds will be donated to a breast cancer awareness organization.

Visit for more information on rules, sponsors, area hotels, guides offering special rates and registration. The registration fee includes a Brickhouse Beauties t-shirt, the Saturday night dinner, a goodie bag filled with lots of surprises, a team JBH Brick to go on the wall inside of Jackie’s Brickhouse, the entry into the Best Team Outfit contest, and of course the chance to win money and Waterloo Rods. Visit Brickhouse Beauties on the Bay on Facebook to learn more.

The original idea behind Jackie’s Brickhouse was to open a friendly, neighborhood bar that served brick oven pizza. The venue quickly turned into a point of destination in Kemah for food, games and entertainment for the entire family.

“We are taking things in a new, bigger, bolder, better direction this year and have appealed to a much broader, more versatile crowd and love the response we've gotten so far,” said General Manager John Barrera. “We want to extend outside the four walls and become more involved in festivals, tournaments, special events, etc., all while continuing to stick to the fun, lively place that made us so popular.”

Jackie’s Brickhouse hosts many of the biggest and hottest bands in the Houston area. The venue is vibrant on Friday and Saturday nights with a packed dance floor. In April alone, Hamilton Loomis, The Nailers, Andy and the Dreamsicles, Madigan, and Kaos are just some of the bands that will be performing. Stop in on Sundays from 2 to 6 p.m. to catch live acoustic music under the palapa.

Enjoy the Kemah Crawfish Special on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays all day long at just $4.99 per pound. Every Tuesday and Thursday from 11 a.m. until 11 p.m., crawfish is $3.99 per pound and beer specials are featured. “So, when you’re tired of paying for parking, outrageous Crawfish prices and over priced beer, come to Jackie's where the parking is free, the bugs are cheap and the beer is cold!” said Barrera. Some sneak peeks at the events coming up at Jackie’s Brickhouse are: • Bike Night on Thursday, April 18 with Tantrum performing. • National Lei Day party on Wednesday, May 1. • The HT Red fish Series Fishing Tournament will be held at Jackie's May 22-25. • "Rock you like a Hurricane" benefit for disaster relief on Saturday, June 1, will observe the first day of hurricane season. • The International Men of Steel will be back to blow the roof off on Wednesday, June 12. • Bikini Contest on Thursday, July 11. • The Woodstock Anniversary party will pay homage to the iconic festival August 15 to 17. • A Blues Festival on October 5 and 6.

“And this is only some of the things we have working,” said Barrera. “So make your summer plans around these great events. There is literally SOMETHING for everyone! We do not and will not forget where we came from or the people who helped us get here. There will always be a fun, friendly, family-owned business right here at Jackie's Brickhouse… where the party never ends.” The venue is open daily from 11 to 2 a.m. with smoking allowed indoors and outdoors. Call 832-864-2459 or visit for further information.

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