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The SCENE Magazine

League City Uncorked: A Global Wine & Art Experience

Mar 01, 2013 11:25AM ● By Corinne Moore
League City Uncorked: a global wine and art experience will take over the 86-acre Walter Hall Park March 23-24. The festival will be held from 1-10 p.m. on Saturday and 1-7 p.m. on Sunday. This inaugural event is unlike any other event ever held in the city and will truly provide an exciting and one-of-a-kind flavor.   Gulf Coast Public Affairs, on behalf of the City of League City, will create a weekend of fine arts, exotic wines and universal customs. League City Uncorked will assemble a world-class stable of artists and fine craftsmen. It will feature dynamic music, over 40 different types of wine from around the globe along with local flavors from Texas wineries, and delicious food, transforming the park into an entertainment hotspot for the weekend. Tickets for League City Uncorked start at $15, with discounts for tickets purchased before March 21. Weekend passes and a limited number of VIP tickets are also available.

The VIP Moroccan-styled, luxury tent area with a custom cigar and international wine bar, along with private entertainment, is sure to enhance the VIP ticket purchasers’ experience. Tickets may be purchased at the gate, at www.leaguecityun and

Community sponsors include: Title Sponsor Elite Care-24 Hour Emergency Center, South Shore Harbour Resort and Conference Center, Lynn’s Landscaping, Women Who Art and Wycoff Construction. Sponsorships, featured artists and vendor opportunities are still available, but will run out soon! Visit the web site for more information.

A portion of the proceeds from League City Uncorked will benefit Communities in Schools-Bay Area and The Jesse Tree. Communities In Schools – Bay Area is an organization that helps young people stay in school and prepare for life. The Jesse Tree is a faith-based organization that connects people with health care, social services and ministerial resources.

Contact the festival hotline at (832) 704-1110, via email at info@leaguecity or www.leaguecity “Like” League City Uncorked on Facebook or Twitter for festival updates and sign up to receive occasional festival updates on your cell phone by texting “281281” and type “lcuncorked” in the text bar.

Marta Sanchez-Lastowska is an accomplished wine-maker from the Haak Winery in Santa Fe, TX. Marta is originally from Spain and joined the Haak team less than a year ago. Marta has a master's degree in wine making and has studied the chemistry of wine for several years. Marta handles all aspects of wine making including choosing the finest Texas grapes, fermenting the wine, cooling, bottling and more! She will be a guest at League City Uncorked and share her extensive knowledge with wine lovers!

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