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The SCENE Magazine

Lakewood Yacht Club to host J/80 Shootout, April 21 & 22

Mar 21, 2012 08:36PM ● By John Ennis
Regatta Chairman Dwight Bengtson recently announced that Lakewood Yacht Club will hold the J/80 Southern Circuit Shootout for the first time this spring.  The two-day regatta, which is open to the public, is slated for Sat., Apr. 21, and Sun., Apr. 22.

This will be the second of five events scheduled for the J/80 fleet as part of their 2012 Southern Circuit.  This culminates with the J/80 North American Championships, which Lakewood hosted in 2009, at the Fort Worth Boat Club.

“Lakewood Yacht Club is very pleased to host the 2012 J/80 Shootout, and we look forward to some exciting competition on Galveston Bay,“ stated Bengtson.

Local J/80’s will be sailing along with several out of town competitors from Austin, Dallas, and Ft. Worth.  The J/80’s third event will also take place at Lakewood’s Shoe Regatta scheduled for May 19-20.

According to Lakewood racer Forbes Durdin who is also the Fleet Captain of the J/80 Class Association USA Fleet #2, this Shootout will get back to the basics of bay racing.  “We plan to have shorter races so that we can have more races.  There will be no throw-outs,” he explained.

Bengtson expects between 15-20 boats to participate and racers can register on line through Regatta Network.  Cost will be approximately $60 which will include the Friday night Skippers Meeting, the Sat. night party and entertainment, concluding with the Awards Ceremony on Sun. afternoon, April 22.

For further information or questions, please check Lakewood’s website www.lakewoodyachtclub under the racing button, or contact the front office at 281-474-2511.


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