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The SCENE Magazine

Loose Notes - May 2011

May 08, 2011 03:12PM ● By Andy Eng
LOOSE NOTES - Before we jump in, a quick overview... If you missed them last month, it might be awhile before Skyrocket ('perhaps the most wickedly original party band to emerge from any music scene') will be back at the Scout Bar. Seems like they're getting booked at a bunch of private parties but that makes sense.

We celebrated the Scout Bar's 7th Anniversary with I.D.R., Saturate, and The Hunger rocking on strong when experts inside the loop 'said it couldn't be done'. Well done! The Cockeyed Seagull packed them inside, onto the patio, and in all night at the annual 60's Party with Hourglass. We also took in The Tail Draggers & their new playlist of cool songs from 'outer space' along with the Guacamole Gods--An interesting blend of Cisco and Coach Raggio that has been brewing at Katie's for some time. Jackie's Brickhouse lineups continues to be ever refreshing as their remodeling with a first time appearance of Ray Parcee & All Stars - A night of solid nonstop old school Motown funk. And just to remind us that spring is in the here, we had a pleasant visit with regular SCENE readers all the way from Kingwood who came down just to hang out on Jackie's patio. Pretty cool, eh? :-) David Watson and DeWayne Skipper aka "D2" were playing forth their good vibe arrangements of acoustic crowd pleasers -- It's always good catching these two. Summer's tomorrow but spring is now, so on to the festivals we go...

TO THE CLEAR LAKE CRAWFISH FESTIVAL - I'll have to double check but I *think* this is the area's longest running festival of it's kind. A drove of you SCENE readers were relaxing under the shady pavillion enjoying Andy & The Dreamsicles with guitar wizard James Reese on the axe. This might be the furthest west I've seen the Dreamsicles play, a good thing for Clear Lake. Even further west....

FLOYD'S - hosted their stellar 5th annual Parking Lot Party with plenty of fun & sun for folks galore. Just as solid as the food was Funksion on the Floyd's stage. These cats have been consistently solid over the years we've followed them. Floyd's & Funksion--Makes senses... Hey, New Band Alert!!! We caught a new area band, at Floyd's calling themselves The Remedy, and really hip with these guys. They slant towards all age (?) alternative rock covers that everybody jumps to and not often heard locally live. We declare The Remedy a SCENE ready party band. Before resuming our crawfish festival trek, we made a quick side visit and joined...

EL LAGO'S 50TH YEAR CELEBRATION - Complete with dignitaries, plenty of green grass, beautiful weather, cold beer and BBQ, this celebration was was probably how all city celebrations were meant to be. Congrats to Mayor Brad Emel and the citizens for a great 50 years with many more to come. Houston might not have gotten what it wanted but got what it needed from the core members of the Fab 40. Sounds familiar? They're the all volunteer group complete with orchestra and put on over-the-top free shows for the entire city of Houston. Drum roll please.... We got an inside scoop that the next Fab 40 show at Discovery Greens, on May 28th will feature their popular Abbey Road performance. This was a burner before and on our calendar already. Onwards...

KEMAH CRAWFISH FESTIVAL - Wow.. This inaugural event went the pro route and maxed out on several fronts. On the live music scene, kudos to Alan Stephenson and team for lining up one of the best sounding & lighted events (cameras need lights) we've attended. Folks took in ethnic Andean Led Zeppelin woodwinds, some Texas Voodoo Blues from Richard Cagle & The Voodoo Choir, and perhaps the brightest most interesting act of the month from northwest Houston, The Scars Heal In Time (we'll skip the acronym for now). A technically all together group of gals ranging from ages 12 to 15, these rocksters successfully fused the likes of Joan Jett to Chris Isaak in total dynamics, clarity, power, and passion -- All within the same song! I must admit lifting my jaw up off the ground and looking out in the audience, many of you were too, so there. Further inland, we swung by Kemah's long running Blessing of the Fleet. Kingspin and the Navigators rocking with an integrity that practically tops local area bands. Catch them at T-Bone Tom's for a guaranteed good show! And on to some serious partying...

JASON DANFORD BASH (Big Ben Tavern) - The SCENE was at this monster event last year along with over 400 of Jason's closest friends & family & over two tons of street fighting mudbugs--We jumped when we heard about this year's event complete with UFC PPV. Tell you what though, Obsolete August with Erik Garza went waaaay over the top stirring up the cayenne on the patio while Rich & Sheri took care of *everybody* with the cayenne in the pot--If anybody paid attention to who won, let us know. Get the gist? We are often asked and here goes... We calibrate our cayenne taste buds using the out-of-body offerings of Frank & Sam's for which Zone 504 and Jason's/Big Ben's scored closest this season. If you disagree, come see me out on The SCENE. Back to the music...

FOLLOWUP - Last month we mentioned the Inaugural Mean Gene Kelton Music Festival to support his favorite charities at the Hawg Stop Amphitheater--I highly recommend this cool place to decompress on a Sunday afternoon if you need to get away. We took in Rory Jagdeo, Rob Austin and Dave Lopez, JB Bullion Band, & The Professor Blues Allstars before moving on. We also took the opportunity to get to know better Mean Gene's favorite charities Harley's Angels, St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital Memphis, and Houston Blues Museum. Keep these groups in you plans if your can. One of the Kelton's favorite charities wasn't there because they were putting on an event of their own....

TEXAS EQUUSEARCH SPORTS EXTRAVAGANZA -- I confess... I knew little about this group ( and what they did but many of you out there know already. We arrived and spotted the band, Thrill Kill & the Real Deal. We only see this great bunch of guys & their entourage at charity fundraiser events so we knew right away this is was a good mojo event. The place was HUGH & PACKED with supporters and volunteers galore. The musicians I spotted in the crowd ranged from alternative bass rocker Rene Coppock, Clear Lake jazzman Abel Salazar and North American singer songwriter Zach Tate and the crowd just as varied. Master of Ceremonies were provided by Dave Ward of ABC 13. Guest Star was NFL Defensive Player of the Year, Ed Reed of the Baltimore Ravens. Pretty spiffy, eh? Ed provided a solid delivery of what Equusearch meant to him with an integrity only that a 7-time Pro Bowler and beloved family member could provide. I got it... Many of you there already had it... Let's all get it...

TOUR STOP CLEAR LAKE - There were plenty of shows to choose from this month and we along with folks from Katy, Cypress, The Woodlands, and Mexico decided on a Tuesday to checkout Sevendust with opening local acts Fallen Grey, Chrome 44, and 94.5FM Buzz Texas Music Band of the Year, From Guts To Glory. Many felt Sevendust's show at last summer's BuzzFest Wienie Roast was cut a bit short. Tonight, they more than made up for it and were every bit as loud-- We were at both shows so we know... And "that" folks is Tour Stop Clear Lake...

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