Featured Bartender: Rizzo at Sherlock’s
Mar 31, 2011 11:16PM ● By SCENE MAGAZINE STAFFRizzo at Sherlock’s 2416 Bay Area Blvd. (Clear Lake) 281-461-4702
Rizzo? My name is Mike, but there are a lot of those. So I go by my last name. It’s easier.
Bartending stats: 3 ½ years experience with 2 of them being at Sherlock’s.
Signature drink? Hurricanes and Rum Punches
What do bartenders wish customers knew? You catch more flies with honey! Appreciation goes along way…
If you weren’t bartending, your “other” dream job would be? Independently wealthy and own an island!
Celebrity look-a-like? Goldberg the wrestler and Jason Statham the actor from The Transporter (I looked up both and yeah Rizzo does!)
Right now, what in your car’s CD player? Dean Martin. Love the crooners, country, heavy metal… Love it all.
Life motto: Have fun because life is too short!
LADIES: He’s single! Looking for a sweetheart with a bright smile to catch his eye! Must love Elvis!