Featured Bartender: Laura from Berryhill
Mar 04, 2011 03:13AM ● By SCENE MAGAZINE STAFF
Laura from Berryhill 19431 Gatebrook Dr # 3, Webster 281-332-8226
Length of time at Berryhill (Webster location)? A little over a year…Signature drink? Yes! “Laura’s Aura” (It’s fruity with mint leaves, two types of rum and Sprite.)
When not bartending, you are… Resting!!! I have been picking up a lot of shifts lately!
What would you take on the Space Shuttle if you could go? Photos of my loved ones.
I say Charlie Sheen, you say… Crazy!
I say The Bachelor, you say… Team Emily!
Do you like the beach? I LOVE the beach!
What would you say about bartending? Be outgoing and know your liquors – anyone can do it!
Chicken, beef or fish tacos? Fish, of course!
How come? It’s Berryhill! We are FAMOUS for them!