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The SCENE Magazine

Rooted strong... Growing strong...

Feb 04, 2011 11:49PM ● By Andy Eng
A couple months ago, we covered Kaos with their then new, Scott and Robin Paxton. They were raw high energy then. Fast forward to the now and we find the "entire" band tight and solid putting forth not your Fleetwood Mac but all the rest we haven't heard in over thirty years cos they can do it....

Folks, this is one top shelf group that we highly recommend. Catch them on The Scene near you and be sure to wear your boogie shoes.... Got it? ;-)

Speaking of best, Jackie's staff and her neighborhood crowd has put forth an incredibly fine effort firmly rooting amongst the area's larger music & dining halls.  They've pulled off an incredibly good story and setting to be a long term presence.  Cheers!

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