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The SCENE Magazine

Bay Area Houston Economic Partnership honors U.S. Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison at 2011 Banquet

Jan 21, 2011 04:50PM ● By Betsey Ennis
The Bay Area Houston Economic Partnership (BAHEP) awarded U.S. Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison with the 2011 Quasar Award tonight at the partnership's annual banquet held at the South Shore Harbour Resort in League City. The Quasar Award is given annually by BAHEP to an 'individual who has demonstrated a steadfast leadership in support of the business foundations of the greater Bay Area Houston region.'

Hutchison, who previously received the award in 1996, was praised for her unwavering support of NASA, her passion for economic development and her work and leadership on behalf of Ellington Airport and the development of a Joint Reserve Base. "Ellington Field really is making a difference for our whole Houston area economy,’’ she said from the podium.

Photo Gallery: Bay Area Houston Economic Partnership 2011 Banquet

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