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The SCENE Magazine

Featured SCENE Chef: Michael Brewer

Jan 07, 2011 02:24PM ● By John Ennis

Chef Michael Brewer Matt’s Restaurant & Lounge 3202 Marina Bay Drive • 281- 334-7445

Background / Experience: Started at 14 years old working at Sicilian Grill (now currently Opus in Clear Lake Shores) as a prep and saute cook. I went to Texas Tech University to be a family financial planner and decided that it was not the path for me.

Transferred to Art Institute of Houston and graduated with a degree in culinary arts. Worked with Andrew Lobeck at Merlion Restaurant. Became the sous chef of Lakewood Yacht Club for three years. My family always had strong influence on me for food, and my mother was always a big “foodie.”

Specialty: I think I have a strong grasp on plate presentation. I think it’s important to have a dish look good as much as it tastes good.

Signature Dish: I personally like smaller portions with beautiful plate presentations almost like the style of the chef Thomas Keller. One example of a signature dish I make at wine tastings sometimes is called “peanut butter and jelly.” It is a whole roasted piece of foi gras with fresh grapes, port reduction, and macadamia nut and golden chanterelle puree on toastettes. It resembles the simple classic with a much more gourmet fashion.

Have you ever prepared a meal for anyone famous or infamous? Carol Shelby (the racing legend and car designer). He had an interesting use of vocabulary. Every other word was “sh*t, hell or damn.” He was very nice and generous though.

Please share one special cooking tip or technique with our readers: Don’t be intimidated by cooking something different. It might take a few times to master a recipe or ingredient, but it’s time, practice and experience that truly make a dish stand out.

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