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The SCENE Magazine

Kay Bailey Hutchison to receive 2011 Quasar Award

Jan 04, 2011 02:15PM ● By The SCENE Magazine

Annual BAHEP Banquet on Friday, Jan. 21 at the South Shore Harbour Resort

The Bay Area Houston Economic Partnership will honor U.S. Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison with the 2011 Quasar Award for exceptional leadership in Economic Development presented during the organization’s Annual Quasar Award Banquet on Friday, Jan. 21, 2011, at the South Shore Harbour Resort and Conference Center in League City.

The Quasar Award is presented each year to an outstanding individual who has contributed greatly to the economic wealth and diversity of the Bay Area Houston region. The Bay Area Houston Economic Partnership leadership selected Senator Hutchison in acknowledgment of her successful campaign to get the Senate to pass the NASA authorization bill which saved thousands of NASA jobs, and her strong leadership on behalf of Ellington Field.

Bob Mitchell, BAHEP president, said, “Through her strong leadership on behalf of NASA, Ellington Field and many other issues confronting Bay Area Houston and the rest of the state, Senator Hutchison has more than earned her notable status as the senior senator from Texas. She has earned our respect, as well, and that is why Senator Hutchison will be honored as the recipient of the 2011 Quasar Award.”

Senator Hutchison responded, “I am honored to have been chosen as the 2011 recipient of the Bay Area Houston Economic Partnership’s Quasar Award. Working to protect the interests of small businesses in Texas has always been one of my top priorities, and I look forward to continuing to work with the Bay Area Houston Economic Partnership and local business leaders to promote economic development in the community.”

The Bay Area Houston Economic Partnership is a member-driven organization that provides the leadership to stimulate regional economic development and employment in southeast Texas. For more information on BAHEP, please call 281-486-5535 or visit

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