Lights... Camera... Action! THE PREACHER'S DAUGHTER comes to Houston
Oct 07, 2010 12:05AM ● By John EnnisHouston and surrounding areas – including a good portion in the Clear Lake area!
Starring Andrea Bowen of TV's “Desperate Housewives” fame and San Leon's own Adam Mayfield from TV's “All My Children,” THE PREACHER'S DAUGHTER is the story of Hannah White, the estranged daughter of a small town minister who is forced to return to the strict, religious home of her youth where she must confront the troubled relationships that caused her to leave four years before.
Cast almost entirely with Houston-based actors and to be shot exclusively in the Houston area, THE PREACHER'S DAUGHTER has been warmly received by the community. Along with the support of veteran Houston film crew with industry credentials, much of the equipment and interns have been provided by Houston Community College. We even have Saint Arnold on as our Texas craft beer sponsor!
The film begins when Hannah has hit rock bottom. In her early twenties, Hannah has abandoned her quiet, small home town for the big city. She lives with her drug addicted boyfriend, Zane, who facilitates her irresponsible behavior. Arrested after a routine traffic stop, Hannah finds herself at the mercy of her father, a small town preacher. Required to come back home in exchange for assisting her legal problems, Hannah begins to confront the very demons that drove her away in the first place.
As the film progresses, we flashback to a very different Hannah – an innocent, vulnerable little girl. Throughout the course of the film, we begin to learn some of the reasons why she's gotten so out of control. We see the world from her vantage point as she grows into the young woman who uses drugs and alcohol to escape reality. Cutting from flashback to present day, we also begin to see Hannah find herself. We see that perhaps to find meaning and balance in her life, she had to first confront its chaos. Ultimately, we follow Hannah as she discovers the essence of who she really is.
Today we're shooting some crucial moments between the characters of Hannah and her best friend Rachel, played by Austin actress Jamie Teers. All of the scenes take place at an amazing timeless playground, complete with an old seesaw and merry-go-round. We begin with the two characters in flashback mode – when Hannah reveals a dark secret that would drastically change her life. Later we see the two all grown up, reunited after Hannah's returned home.
Tomorrow we begin shooting at a church in Alvin. We'll live there for the next four days. A great deal of the movie takes place in the church where Hannah's father is minister. We'll have some eighty extras arriving early in the morning – just after sunrise. And we'll shoot that dark secret.
To find out more about THE PREACHER'S DAUGHTER, visit our website at, “like” us on Facebook at and follow us on Twitter at
The SCENE Film & Food Columnist, Adam Donaghey, is an award-winning film producer from Texas. His work has been seen at festivals and special screenings all over the world. Adam resides in Kemah. Find out about Adam's films at and what he's eating at